Speed Up My Mac Free Download

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  • How to speed up your Mac

by Vlad Tiganasu 5 years ago

Test your internet speed. If you keep asking yourself how to speed up your internet, first of all, test. Speed Up Your Mac! After using your Mac for a while, you may notice its performance isn't as good as it used to be when it was new. This is a normal process and it is due to the usage of the computer.

Feb 14, 2020 Click the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of your Mac's screen and make sure the Overview tab's selected. You'll see your macOS version and two buttons: System Report and Software Update. Next, click on Software Updates, which will either show you a new version to download and install or it will say your version is up-to-date. May 12, 2017 Another way to speed up your Mac is by closing any applications you might have running in the background. In case you didn't know, Mac OS X will let applications run in the Dock, even if you close them using the 'X' button. Speed Up My Mac free download - Need for Speed Underground 2, DSL Speed, Technitium MAC Address Changer, and many more programs.

How to speed up your Mac

Remember how your Mac was running the first time you bought it? Everything was perfect, and opening applications or folders only took a second. Well, as time passed, you might have noticed the rainbow wheel appearing more often that before, and performing simple tasks started taking longer as your system struggled with the most basic operations. Of course, you can always invest some money and upgrade your Mac (but it can get quite expensive), or you can try some of the methods presented in this guide and speed up your system without spending a small fortune.

Here are some quick ways in which you can improve the performance of your Mac.

Use the Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor is a built-in app found in the 'Utilities' folder that comes with your Mac OS X. It allows you to quickly view processes and running programs that are using your CPU and slowing down your system. New word for mac 2015. Think of it like the alternative for the 'Task Manager' in Windows, if you are more familiar with it.

Activity Monitor

Once you have launched the app, it will display all the processes currently running on your system, and you can easily view how much of your CPU each of them use. For an easier display, you can even sort them by their CPU usage by clicking on the '%CPU' button. Additionally, the 'Activity Monitor' app allows you to view how much memory, disk and network resources your running programs are using simply by clicking on each of the tabs located at the bottom of the window.

After you have determined which processes slow down your system's performance, you can easily stop them (kill them) with just a few clicks of a mouse. Just make sure to check CPU, System Memory and Disk Activity tabs so that you won't miss any resource-hungry apps you might have running.

Close background applications

Another way to speed up your Mac is by closing any applications you might have running in the background. In case you didn't know, Mac OS X will let applications run in the Dock, even if you close them using the 'X' button. Obviously, all these apps will use some of your system's resources, and you can easily figure out what happens when you have ten or more of them running at the same time (imagine using an interactive slideshow to access files, folders and apps).

Virus mac 10 13 5. Close running apps

So, it is a good idea to look for any running applications in your Dock (the ones with a dot next to them), right-click on them and select 'Quit'.

Manage Startup items

Some Mac users notice a decrease in performance after some time on their computers, while others observe it right after logging in. If the latter applies to you, then you just might have to many apps that start along with your Mac OS X. You can easily fix that by going to 'System Preferences > Users & Groups' and clicking on your username.

Login items

Then simply click on the 'Login items' tab and uncheck applications that you don't want to launch as soon as you have logged in.

Turn off visual effects

Even though animations (like the ones that occur when launching applications or minimizing windows to the Dock) and transparency levels give your Mac OS X a great look and feel, they take a toll on your graphics card, therefore, dragging down your system's overall performance. Most Macs can handle these features without any problems, but if you have an older system, you might want to turn some of them, if not all, off.

There are two System Preferences items you will need to access in order to do that: one for reducing transparency and one for disabling Dock animations:

To reduce the transparency, you will have to go to 'System Preferences' > 'Accessibility' and check on the 'Reduce transparency' Pokemon sun and moon mac download. box.

Reduce transparency

For removing some of the Dock animations, you will have to go to 'System Preferences' > 'Dock' and simply un-check the animations you don't need, like animating opening applications, magnification or window minimization mode.

Dock animations

Cleaning your hard drive

It is likely that, over the years, you have collected a great deal of applications and files on your Mac's hard drive that you no longer need or use. All these items occupy space on your hard disk, making your system's performance drop, especially when talking about pieces of hardware with low amounts of storage. So, it is a good idea to uninstall these apps and remove these unneeded files from your computer.

To start, simply head over to the 'Applications and Downloads' folder and move any program that you don't remember installing or no longer using to the Trash. However, some of these applications will leave behind files that just take up some of your disk space while doing nothing. You can either manually locate and remove them or use third-party disk cleaning tools like TinkerTool, Detox My Mac or CleanMyMac.

Using third-party applications might harm your system more than it can help it if you don't know exactly what you are doing, so, I would recommend avoiding them, if you can. Just remember, the best cleaner for Mac is you!

Disk storage

Also, if you are running low on disk space on your Mac, you can always head over to the 'Apple menu' > 'About this Mac' and click on the 'Storage' tab to view how your space is occupied and by what. Then, you can easily go and delete files, folders and apps that you no longer need.

Upgrading hardware

If, until now, all the methods I've presented to you were free to use, this one will require you to invest some money.

Hardware upgrade

So, if you have some money to spare and want to upgrade you Mac, you don't have to buy a completely new one (unless this is what you want, of course), but you can spend some of them upgrading your system memory (RAM) or purchasing a new hard drive. Keep in mind that, if you are thinking of buying a new HDD for your Mac, I would strongly suggest looking for a SSDdrive, as it will greatly improve your computer's response time and is really not that expensive.

Update software

Needles to say, it is always a good idea to keep you Mac OS X up to date, as new updates provide you with performance and security fixes, battery life improvements, faster response time and much more. If you don't know how to check for updates, then simply click on the Apple icon from the menu bar and select the 'Software Update' option. From here, you will be able to check if there are any updates available not only for your operating system, but also for applications purchased from the App Store.

Automatic updates

Also, if you don't want to constantly check for updates, you can set your Mac OS X to automatically check for and install them as soon as they are released. To do that, go to 'System Preferences' > 'App Store'and tick the 'Automatically check for updates' box.


Above you can see the more 'efficient' methods that you can use in order to improve the performance of your Mac (at least, from my point of view). Of course, there are other ways that might help you speed up your system, like switching your default browser from Chrome to Safari, as it can be quite a memory-hog application, removing some browser extensions that you don't really need, disabling FileVault disk encryption to increase boot time, choosing what to display when launching Finder and so on, but these are more specific problems that only affect a part of your system (like boot time or browser freezing).

However, if anything else fails, you can always reinstall your Mac OS X and hope for the best. Just make sure you make a backup of you important files before deciding to replace or reinstall your OS.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to let me a message in the section below.

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Find yourself waiting forever for websites to load? Have problems with video calls, playing games or working online? Probably your internet needs a speed boost. But what can you do to ensure the best online experience?

Don't worry, in this article we'll go over all tested troubleshooting steps to resolve troubles with the slow internet. Read on and learn how to make internet faster and your online activities stress-free.

Why is my Internet so slow?

There are many different factors that could be slowing down your internet speed. It can be anything from the browser you use to the cluttered system or your router's location. Some of these things have nothing to do with your Mac at all like a router, some can be easily fixed through a simple action.

However, no matter the reason, if your internet connection is slow, it may destroy your productivity. That's why we've gathered 10 ways to fix the Mac slow internet. Let's ensure that your connection is as fast as lightning!

How to speed up Internet on your Mac

This guide provides some of the common and the most helpful ways to make your internet faster. Try out these tricks to get a smooth web experience!

1. Test your internet speed

If you keep asking yourself how to speed up your internet, first of all, test your speed. Sometimes your internet is slow because you're paying for the slow internet. Visit your internet provider's website and find out what plan you have. Then run one of the speed tests (there are many of them available online, but one of the most popular is Speedtest.net) to check whether the numbers match. If they do match up, then your network is working fine and you just pay for the slow internet. However, if the numbers are different, read on to learn how to improve internet speed.

2. Check Network preferences

Do you see a spinning beachball when you try to load web pages? It may not be clear whether the page is taking a long time to load or whether your connection is broken. To check it out, do the following:

  1. Go to the Apple menu in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Choose System Preferences > Network.
  3. Click Assist me and then choose Diagnostics.
  4. Choose your type of connection and click Continue to start the test.

If the problem pops up, follow the suggested advice to deal with it.

3. Test all your Macs

If you have more than one Mac, check whether the internet connection is slow on each on them. If you see the slowdown only on one computer, then most likely the problem lies in this particular Mac. For instance, it may have an unusually weak Wi-Fi connection. Try to go to the Wi-Fi menu in the menu bar and choose Turn Wi-Fi Off. Wait a few seconds and turn it on. These simple actions may fix your MacBook internet slow connection.

4. Restart your router

Router issues can cause problems with the internet. If your internet is as slow when your smartphone or other device is connected to Wi-Fi, chances are, the trouble is not with your Mac. To fix the slow connection, try restarting your router. Simply turn it off, wait a few seconds and turn it on again. You can also try to relocate your router, so it's closer to the place where you usually connect. Make sure no objects will affect the signal, like microwaves and various metal things.

5. Enable wireless security

Do you use Wi-Fi and notice that your Internet running slow? Then check whether you've turned on security settings on your router. If the security is not enabled, how do you know that all your neighbors aren't just enjoying the free access? It's worth checking the router's manual, setting up the highest security level and choosing the appropriate password no one can guess easily.

6. Use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi

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While the wireless internet is more convenient, connecting directly to the router with a cable provides the faster connection. Many people don't realize that and still use Wi-Fi even if they are close enough to the router to use the cable. In fact, Wi-Fi rarely achieves the speed that Ethernet can due to the signal loss, distance from the router, and many more. The best solution is to simply plug your Mac in using a cable and you'll notice the considerable speed boost.

7. Close unnecessary apps and browser tabs

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Internet running slow on Mac? If you have dozens of apps and websites open, such as Skype, Safari, Mail, Facebook, Twitter, and many more, then they are all trying to connect to the internet from time to time to update and synchronize. It makes the Mac internet slow and the websites start to hang. That's why close unnecessary apps and tabs in your browser. Believe us, your Mac will thank you for that!

8. Switch to another web browser

Which web browser do you use? Chances are, that it's either Chrome or Firefox. However, if you open up the Activity Monitor and see how much RAM your browser uses, you may be a bit surprised. A single tab opened may take up 20 percent of your RAM. Why? The answer is simple: these popular browsers are not optimized for a Mac. If you want to increase the internet speed, try switching to Safari. It is considered to be one of the fastest web browsers out there and it usually wins the speed tests on Macs.

9. Clean up your Mac and increase the overall speed

Speed Up My Mac Internet

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It goes without saying that a cluttered system affects your Mac performance. If you want to get a better browsing speed, you need to clean up your Mac from all the clutter it contains. Surely, you can remove the junk manually but a smart utility like CleanMyMac X will save you tons of time. With its help, you can easily remove large and old files, broken downloads, app leftovers, caches, log files, and much more. CleanMyMac knows what to clean and what not to clean, making it incredibly safe. Once you get rid of all the useless files, you'll not just get the faster internet but a better running Mac.


It goes without saying that a cluttered system affects your Mac performance. If you want to get a better browsing speed, you need to clean up your Mac from all the clutter it contains. Surely, you can remove the junk manually but a smart utility like CleanMyMac X will save you tons of time. With its help, you can easily remove large and old files, broken downloads, app leftovers, caches, log files, and much more. CleanMyMac knows what to clean and what not to clean, making it incredibly safe. Once you get rid of all the useless files, you'll not just get the faster internet but a better running Mac.

10. Call your internet provider

If you've gone through all the steps and your internet is still slow, then it's time to call your internet provider. The problem may be on their end and most likely they are doing their best to resolve it this minute. However, if your internet provider can't give you the speed you want or you are not satisfied with their customer service, consider to find a new provider. Make a little research to choose the one that fits all your requirements.

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That's it. We hope our guide has helped you and you finally made your Mac faster. The last but not the least our piece of advice: just make sure to do regular cleanups and maintenance with utilities like CleanMyMac X to prevent problems with slow internet on Mac. Staying connected matters, right?

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